Local leaders learn about American Rescue Plan

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MORGANTOWN, W.Va. -, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin and West Virginia State Auditor J.B. McCuskey made American Rescue Plan presentations in Wheeling, Morgantown and Parkersburg last week. The presentation focused how the nearly $4 billion coming into the state will be spent- cities, towns and counties that will all share $677 million.

Most of the money will go to the auditor’s office and be dispersed through accounts for each government unit using the West Virginia Checkbook program. The program started with just a few municipalities a few years ago and has now expanded and will be required as part of the American Rescue Plan.

According to McCuskey the program is gaining national attention.

“We’ve had four or five states that have already reached to us to send our staff to them to train them on how to set this program up,” McCuskey said,” We’re actually leading the country in this effort right now.”

Morgantown receives $10.65 million, Westover will receive $1.74 million and Kingwood gets $1.27 million. Monongalia County will receive $20.48 million, Marion County $10.87 million, Preston County $6.48 million and Harrison County will receive $13.04 million.

Unlike previous relief packages this money will come directly to local governments over the next four years. The first payment will come from the U.S. Treasury within 60-days of passage and subsequent payments will be made 12 months apart.